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Body Physics And How This Affects Your Performance
One of the traits that all really great athletes share is a strong degree of body awareness and an understanding of body mechanics. The...
How Working Out The Kinks Can Improve Your Form
There are two main points that we like to stress from the beginning, in order to help you to understand why stretching is so important to...
What Really Makes You Strong?
A Question Of Physics One of the easiest ways to understand how this happens is to think of your muscles as levers. The longer the lever,...
What To Expect From Physical Therapy
First, that ‘mental’ aspect is worth focusing on for a second. Your overall mindset going into physical therapy will have a tremendous...
How to Run Faster, Part 2
In Part 1 of this series, we talked about the 3 main things that make athletes run fast. Just to remind you… RUNNING FAST COMES DOWN TO 3...
Identify Your Weaknesses to Build a Training Plan
The best way for athletes to become better performers is to train, of course. Visualization techniques and better nutrition will...
Why Stretching is an Essential Part of a Performance Based Athletic Program
Most athletes are already well versed with the importance of being adequately warmed up prior to workouts and competition. Unfortunately,...
Knee Pain in High School Runners Linked to Hip Strength Imbalances
Patellofemoral pain (PFP), or “runner’s knee”, can occur in athletes who put heavy stress on their knees. The pain is characterized by a...
Treating Ankle Injuries with Sports Physical Therapy and Lace-Up Braces
Of all the sports, basketball tends to exert the most pressure on the foot and ankle, and it’s not hard to figure out why. Given the...
Think golf isn’t a sport? Tell that to Tiger Woods.
Prevention is the name of the game when it comes to golf-related sports injuries. The extreme level of torque applied to the core of the...
How to Identify and Treat Pulled Hamstring
A pulled hamstring is a common injury among athletes who run track. It’s true that sprinters or hurdle jumpers seem to suffer this injury...
Developing a Fast Twitch
There’s a lot of science behind what it takes to help an already fast athlete run faster. Developing fast twitch muscles through...
Tap the Expertise of a Personal Trainer to Truly Realize the Benefits of Core Strengthening
Core strengthening exercises should be the foundation of any training regimen. That’s because that by strengthening these key muscles,...
Balance Disc
Athletes understand the benefit of balance training as part of their rigorous workout routines. As athletes work on their balance...
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