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Massage Can Help You Recover Faster And Stronger, Too
When you are looking for a Downers Grove Athletes Only Physical Therapy facility, you are probably like other hardcore Downers Grove...
A Pre Workout Self Massage
Every runner knows getting a massage after a tough workout is extremely beneficial to their muscular health. Many coaches employ massage...
Effective Training Means Staying Injury-Free
Injuries can derail your season. In a split second you can go from performing at your best to being done for the year. Even small...
Athletic Injuries In Adolescents
Due to the physiological changes occurring in the body of younger athletes, they may be at special risk of injury. The weight and load on...
Treating Ankle Injuries with Sports Physical Therapy and Lace-Up Braces
Of all the sports, basketball tends to exert the most pressure on the foot and ankle, and it’s not hard to figure out why. Given the...
Handling Small Sports Injuries- Downers Grove Physical Therapy Can Help
Athletes suffer injuries all the time. Fortunately not all of them require a trip to the emergency room or an extended visit with a...
Think golf isn’t a sport? Tell that to Tiger Woods.
Prevention is the name of the game when it comes to golf-related sports injuries. The extreme level of torque applied to the core of the...
Explosive Movements and Their Corresponding Injuries
A ruptured hamstring can be a painful injury to an athlete and one that takes weeks in which to recover. Athletes are constantly...
Despite Perils of Heat Exhaustion, Many Parents Lack Faith in Coaches’ Ability to Identify Ris
As most of the country continues to experience record-breaking heat, more and more coaches, parents, and health experts are becoming...
New Laws Require Coaches to Undergo Training to Identify Symptoms of a Concussion
Across the past few years, many states have passed laws to help prevent concussions in high school athletes. Â Specifically, most laws...
Are you ready to play after an sports injury?
A functional capacity evaluation is typically used after an injury has occurred on the job. The owner’s of the business then have a...
What is a Pulled Groin?
The muscle that connects the bones of the legs and the pelvis is called the groin. If you’ve overstretched this muscle during a game or...
The Dangers of a Torn Meniscus
Along with a torn ACL a torn meniscus is right up there with the top knee injuries plaguing athletes. The purpose of the meniscus (the...
Common Goal Setting
Our Downers Grove physical therapy programs are individualized for every athlete we treat. They are tailored to their athletic injury...
Overlooked Hormone May Indicate Female Athletes At Risk For Knee Injury
Says a latest Stanford University study performed by the Department of Orthopedic Surgery1. The female anterior cruciate ligament may be...
Come Back Athletes
Suffering from a severe injury can be devastating to an athlete’s career. Minor injuries requiring physical therapy happen all the time;...
Avoiding Leg Cramps
Many people have experienced a leg cramp at least once in their life. Usually a quick rub or gentle massage to the affected area and you...
How to Identify and Treat Pulled Hamstring
A pulled hamstring is a common injury among athletes who run track. It’s true that sprinters or hurdle jumpers seem to suffer this injury...
Core Strengthening Is The Key
When we think of athletics, we typically focus our attention on the body parts that do the moving – the pitcher’s arm, the running back’s...
Stand Up Straight
For generations mothers have always admonished their children to stand up straight and stop slouching but for an elite athlete, the...
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