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Pushing Your Limits Without Breaking
How Far Is Too Far? Although many sports drills are designed to work on specific skills, Core1Inc., understands that full body...
Why Sports Physical Therapy Is So Important
At Core 1 Inc., we have years of experience in helping athletes recover from injuries. Sports physical therapy in Downers Grove is an...
A Closer Look At Core Training
These days, lots of workouts focus on building core strength, and with good reason. Building up the core has some very real benefits. But...
Preventing Sports Injuries
With that in mind, just how do you go about preventing sports injuries? There’s no totally foolproof method, and the simple fact is that...
Is It Really Possible To Improve Vertical Jump?
So how do you boost vertical jump? It really comes down to working the right muscle groups in the right way. Your jump height will depend...
The Basics Of Speed Training
It can also be confusing. The big reason is that you have to work the right muscles in order to develop speed – and those muscles aren’t...
Crafting A Well Rounded Athlete
There are a few things that go into crafting a well-rounded athlete, but here at Core 1 Inc. we think that the first step is always...
Understanding Sports Nutrition For Younger Athletes
Nutrition is every bit as important as your exercise routine, and eating properly will not only enhance your performance, but will also...
Keys For Keeping The Right Mindset During Training
Your mindset will have a lot more to do with your success getting in shape than many people realize, but here at Core 1 Inc. we’ve seen...
Why is SPEED So Important?
If you have been training the right way, then the answer should be “no.” That’s because you know that static strength is only one part of...
How To Build Endurance And Stamina
Endurance Endurance is your ability to sustain a cardiovascular activity for a long period of time. An example of a cardio activity would...
What Does CORE1 Stand For?
So, if everybody’s physical body is different, then why do most trainers put you through a cookie cutter program? Now, we say this all...
Athletes-Only Physical Therapy. Serious Rehab for Serious Athletes
The truth of the matter is that most of those treatment offices out there are designed to help an aging population with every day pain....
Overtake Your Opponent. No Matter How Fast, Tough, Or Tall.
Some people might ask you, “Why do you do it?” They see you feeling that pain and fatigue and wonder what drives you. And you know the...
What Motivates You?
Here in Downers Grove, Illinois, we don’t have a problem with motivation. In fact, the athletes that walk through that door are ready to...
Following Proper Form
One of the most dangerous things that come about from improper form is a strength imbalance. When you use poor form, muscles that are not...
6 Tips To Working Your Core
But you don’t need a gimmick product to develop rock solid ab muscles. Abs help us do just about everything when it comes to athletics....
Why A Trainer May Be Worth Having For Your Speed And Agility
The reasons are fairly straightforward, and really all come down to improving results. But looking at the individual ways a trainer here...
Speed Training The Right Way
Here are some tips to keep in mind to get the right results: • Know Your Focus – For starters, be sure that you understand what you’re...
The Basics Of Jump Training
Jump training refers to the use of jump related exercises to increase vertical height during a jump. In general, it’s something that is...
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