Identify Your Weaknesses to Build a Training Plan
Why Stretching is an Essential Part of a Performance Based Athletic Program
Sports Nutrition – The New Muscle Foods
Basic Sports Nutrition Concepts for Young Athletes
Knowing When You’re Overtrained, and How to Avoid It
Integrating a Diet Plan into Your Training
The Importance of Effective ACL Injury Prevention and Training
Take Your Game To The Next Level
How quick are you? Follow The Leader
Athletic Injuries In Adolescents
Avoid the “Breaking Point”
Got Nutrition? What you eat could mean the difference between being first or last.
Physical Therapy for Downers Grove Athletes
Knee Pain in High School Runners Linked to Hip Strength Imbalances
Treating Ankle Injuries with Sports Physical Therapy and Lace-Up Braces
Handling Small Sports Injuries- Downers Grove Physical Therapy Can Help
Complex Training in Downers Grove
Think golf isn’t a sport? Tell that to Tiger Woods.
Explosive Movements and Their Corresponding Injuries
Despite Perils of Heat Exhaustion, Many Parents Lack Faith in Coaches’ Ability to Identify Ris