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How to Maximize Results

This blueprint will enhance your training sessions and optimize your practice schedule.

The Blueprint for Success


 **2 or 3 days/week is optimal. 

  • This will be based on how many practices per week you have as well as games/tournaments on the weekend. Also if you can drive yourself to the training. 

  • You absolutely can come train with us before you go to practice later that night. 


– We recommend taking at least 1 day of rest between training sessions. This allows you to properly recover from the previous workout to maximize the next one. 

–Example: Mon/Wed train days, Tuesday/Saturday.  

–Example: if 3 days/week- M/W/F or Tu/Th/Sat. 

(**if you want to come for three days but would have to do back to back days- please inform our trainers at the beginning so we can adjust the training flow for this situation.)

Common Questions

Should I train before or after practice/skill work/extra running/conditioning? 

  • To get the most out of speed and power development, you should plan your schedule to come to speed/performance training first- then your skills/practice later. 

  • When doing speed and power work- being as fresh as possible will increase the benefits. When trying to run at your absolute 100% or possible faster, it makes sense to be as fresh as you can to do that. 

Understand at practice you rarely will ever sprint over 90%. Most of the time you will run at 70-80% speed because you are thinking and learning during practice. So being a little tired to run 70-80% makes more sense then being tired and trying to run 100%. 


Should you train In-Season? 


  • YES,YES,YES. You should absolutely train In-Season. 

  • Junior High and High School athletes are not professional athletes. Their bodies are still developing daily- growing in height and mass. They are still learning how to truly control their bodies. Exposing them to speed, plyos, resistance training and single leg during these developmental years will make a huge impact. 

  • Think about like this: would you only give your kid vitamins in the off season- then once flu season comes- you just stop giving them vitamins. That is exactly what not training during in-season is like. 

  • They are not being exposed and stressed in practice like we do in the weightroom, and for most kids- they need to get stronger and faster to help increase their sport performance. It also helps reduce the risk of injury by strengthening the muscles and tendons.​

The Secret Sauce....

The Magic Ingredient that allows for the biggest improvements.




  • The #1 attribute to improving your speed/power and strength is being consistent. Every week getting some exposure to high speed, high power, and strength- will allow your body to maximize its development. All of our athletes that made it to college sports were consistent on showing up week in and week out.

  • Here is my example: if your child went to math class 1-2x/week year round, they probably would have a good grasp on the subject and would have improved greatly from the start of the year to the end. But if you had your child do math 2-3x/week for 4 weeks, not do any math for 12 weeks, come back and do 1 math session for a week, then take another 4 weeks off. Would you expect your child to have learned and developed new skills/ improved their ability from start to finish? I assume


The Other Magic Ingredient


  • Sleep,Hydration,Nutrition - Athletes should be aiming to get 7+ hours of sleep everyday. 8-9 hours is preferred.

    • Athletes need to be drinking water from Morning to Night.

      • If you weigh 100-150lbs- aim 80-100oz

      • If you weight 150-200- aim 100-120oz

  • Days that you are in heat more (Hot gyms or outside) you should drink a little more.

  • Kids should eat 100grams of protein at minimum daily. Up to 200grams based on weight.

  • No matter how much hard work you put in, if you dont fuel your body with calories,protein,water and sleep, you wont get 80% of the benefits of all the work you put in.

Here are our packages and the situations they are best suited for.

6 Session Pack

In-season 1x/ week for a shorter season.

12 Session Pack

2x/week for 6 weeks. Great for getting ready just before season starts or a shorter window between 2 sports. Or 1x/ wk for a longer season like football/basketball/soccer

24 Session Pack

2 or 3x/week for 12-8wks. Designed for your heavier off season/ have less games that matter happening.

36 Session Pack

2 or 3x/week for 12-18wks. Designed for your heavier off season/ have less games occurring. Great for College kids over summer. Or football/LAX kids in the winter.

Off Season by Sport High School

Aug 1 to Nov 

Boys and Girls Basketball. 


-Boys Volleyball



(Fall ball happening, most games are local/not recruited- so 2x/wk for sure/)

Nov 2 to Mar 1

-Boys Soccer

-Girls Soccer 


-Baseball & Softball 


-LAX Boys & Girls 

-Girls Volleyball

March 2 to June 1



-Boys Soccer 

-Girl Tennis 

-Junior High Girl Soccer 

-Girl Volleyball

June 1 to Aug 1

All Sports because you have more time in the day

-Girls Soccer 

-LAX Boys & Girls 


-Boys Soccer 


-College Athletes 

-Girls Volleyball 

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