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A Shortened NFL Training Camp May Mean More Player Injuries

The recent NFL lockout has sent shockwaves throughout the sports world. If, as threatened, players officially go on strike, the entire season is in jeopardy – an unheard of thought for the most profitable sport in all of America.

The immediate losers are the towns that host practice facilities and the thousands of individuals who work the games.

Owners, many of which are billionaires, are apparently willing to hold out until the players acquiesce. And it’s no secret why – the financial impact on the players will be immediate. No football equals no checks.

However, should an agreement be reached later this spring or early summer, they’ll be facing an abbreviated season, and with it, the risk of physical injury as well.

That’s because an abbreviated season may mean an abbreviated training camp. And a shortened training camp may mean less speed, balance, and strength training for players who by late-summer, will have been inactive for over eight months.


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